After her separation, Diana was faced yet again with reinventing herself. As a separated royal with her sons away at school, tshe no longer had a lot in common with the friends she'd had for years, all like her young marrried women with children (like her former flatmate Caroline Bartholemew). She began to look for role models to the successful and somewhat older rofessional women she had met during her royal life - psychoterapist Julia Samuel, designer Lana Marks, Tiffany president Rosa Monckton, philanthropist Marguerite Littman, Katharine Graham of the WAshington Post. Her charity work became her career, and with no need for clothing distinctive to particular events or places, no longer tied to British designers and feeling that the constant interest in her clothing detracted from the causes she espoused, she turned to the 90's professional woman's uniform, the skirted suit. Even though usually by famous design houses, they were all cclassically similar enough to not overwhelm the work. |