Casual Sweater and Jeans
Kate's country girl look - wool turtleneck sweater, skinny jeans, and boots. She's been caught 'off duty' in this outfit (or variants thereof) several times - shopping for groceries at her local store in Anglesea, Wales in November of 2011 (left), later that month privately visiting the Art Room charity in London as she investigated various organizations in preparation for selecting her first patronages (lower right), and in the French Alps (upper right) while on holiday there with William and her family in March of 2010.
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This recreation for the Franklin Mint vinyl Kate Middleton doll is made from a polyester grey/tan sweater. (There is no texture to it, it's just a plain knit, anything resembling that is from the photography). There is ribbing at the cuffs and hem, but difficult to see as it's not all that much bigger than the rest of the knit. It is unlined, and closes in the back with snaps. The skinny jeans are specifically tailored to this doll's legs are are very tight, to replicate the skinny jeans Kate is partial to. They are unlined, again so they will fit skin tight, and will need a pair of hose underneath to prevent staining. These particular ones are not full length, they are only long enough to meet the boots, but can be made to any length. They close with a snap. Kate wears the earrings from her engagement dress outfit. The boots are NOT included. |
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