Happy 58th Birthday Jimmy!
You old fart!

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As we celebrate (?) Jimmy's birthday on May 30th,
let's watch Jimmy start out young and pretty,
and gradually get old & disgusting! ;-(

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Not much you can do about it ....


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you just go along until Ford Behm gets ya!


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Then Ford tries real hard to make you look
as if you shouldn't have croaked at all!
(He's gonna have a tough time with this one!)

That about sums life up!

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Why look! There's Jimmy's self-proclaimed favorite
student Ford Behm now!   And on the right we see
Jimmy's REAL favorite student, and secret
girlfriend Maria Koch .... Shhhhhh!
Don't tell Suzie!

When I was a kid, there was a kids radio program
on saturday mornings that "did" birthdays, and they sang
a birthday song to the tune of "the Merry Widow waltz."
It went like this:

"Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, just for you,"
"Happy Birthday, and may all your dreams come true,"
"When you blow out the candles, one light stays aglow,"
"It's the sunshine of your smile, where e'er you go!"


It brings tears to my eyes to hear it today.

My friends and family have been so good to me
this year, want to see some of the celebration?


Merry Widow Waltz Midi
"Hand-Moused" from memory by Jimmy

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