Happy 58th Birthday Jimmy!
the celebration

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Jimmy blows out the lone candle as Maria thinks
how greatful she is that her mom didn't put all
58 candles on the Birthday Pie!

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The Koch family brought homemade rigatoni ...
and Birthday Pie!


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This is Katja, she plays
and sings as good as she
bakes, has the courage to
do both at once, and is
a fun friend besides! :-)

Katja baked a Birthday cake ...
no matter how sweet she is, when a 13 year old bakes
you a cake, you gotta wonder what it's gonna be like ...


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Dave Ayers bought us Birthday Dinner down at Fritz's in
Fairport! CATFISH!!!! YUM!!!!

Fritz's granddaughter, was
our waitress. She plays
even better than Katja,
but can't sing Happy
Birthday for beans! LOL
(J/K Jordan!)

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Leonard & Marge bought us a
Birthday Dinner too ... at the
Flying Burito.  Leonard faked
this commemorative photo on
the computer at work .....
and people say I have too
much free time! LOL
Mention Marge's name at
K-Mart for best service!

Like I said ... people have been
real good to yer old Jimmy!

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Cheryl baked a Birthday Pie too ...
But it was severely wounded before
we could take it's picture! hehe!

When I was a kid, there was a kids radio program
on saturday mornings that "did" birthdays, and they sang
a birthday song to the tune of "the Merry Widow waltz."
It went like this:

"Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, just for you,"
"Happy Birthday, and may all your dreams come true,"
"When you blow out the candles, one light stays aglow,"
"It's the sunshine of your smile, where e'er you go!"


In 1st grade, I was asked to sing it each time
a classmate had a birthday. 
Now, people ask me not to sing! :-(

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Merry Widow Waltz Midi
"Hand-Moused" from memory by Jimmy

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