palmtree.gif (4445 bytes) NAMM 2001 palmtree.gif (4445 bytes)

Back in Anaheim where it belongs!

We really enjoy the summer NAMM in Nashville,
but you just can't beat the Winter Show in Anaheim!

So what do you want to see ...

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People standing in front of stuff?

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People eating stuff?

I gotta tell you one thing,
when we were checking out of our motel,
the Eagles song Hotel California was playing on the radio,
and as we were walking out the door, it got to the part where it says "you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave"!    Spooky!! !! !!

I'm tired of all this stuff, please take me to ...
Ayers Music Centers ,  or to,  Jimmy & Suzie's Place !

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Another amazing page from,
Your Microsoft Crash-Test Dummies

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Suzie & Jimmy Stevens

Other NAMMs, other years:

Our Original NAMM Show Page     NAMM '99      Summer NAMM 2000

Song: Hotel California</FONT>