A site devoted to encouraging and helping
girls who can, and do play music!

Suzie and Jimmy have played music together since 1968!
Here we are in '69, that's us on the right!
That's Leonard on the red Epiphone,
and Debbie on the green Ludwigs!
Suzie had just turned 18, Jimmy says:
"We still look exactly the same!" LOL
In case you wonder,
Suzie's playing a Hagstrom bass from Sweden,
and Jimmy's is a Harmony Rebel with the cool sliders!
Both were cheap guitars in their day,
now they're big buck$ on E-Bay!
Someone at a trade show recently said to us:
"Girls can't, or don't play!"
This site is our response to that stupid statement!
(You know who you are, eat our dust!)
Note: This page, and all pages by Jimmy are optimized
for Netscape Agrivator, and checked in two lesser browsers!